Do you have a credit card with you? everything could be stolen.

Are you using a credit card? If yes, then you need to be careful with an SMS. It’s a fraud. In this fraud, you are sent a message that there is a balance on your credit card, which has to be deposited with immediate effect. It looks like a bank message. It has a TM-CMDSMS title and the message starts with URGENT REMINDER.

Need to be cautious

In the message of fraud in the name of credit card dues, you are told that your credit card is due. For example, you may be told that you have a credit card balance of Rs 50,000. The credit card number is xxxx3463. The message also says that if you don’t deposit the outstanding balance, it will hurt your credit score. For this, you are asked to deposit your outstanding balance by clicking on the given link immediately.

Don’t click

If you click on the link, you may be a victim of fraud. So don’t click on this link.

How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud

If you get a message or call about your credit card dues, first check the credit card number given in it. If the number is not yours, then immediately understand that it is a fraud.
Check your credit card balance by visiting your bank’s website or app. The bank can also send you an email or SMS about your dues.
– Do not click on any link or share any OTT, even if it comes from a bank or credit card company.
– If someone calls and asks you to deposit credit card dues, contact the bank and confirm his identity before paying him.

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