Youtube to remove AI-Generated Deepfakes and Sound-Alikes Content

Youtube has informed that it is going to remove content generated by Artificial Intelligence Deep fakes and sound-alikes. Recently a video surfaced for Indian actress Rashmika Mandana that was a deep fake. Huge uproar and apprehension of misuse was mentioned on the online social media platforms. Number of celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan also shared his concern for the incident. Use of Artifical Intelligence in various online activities, including content writing, image creation, video creation are in mass use these days.

Deep-fake has raised too many concerns from the time it was first invented. Using the online images and videos of famous people, AI generates deep-fakes that are very difficult to differentiate. The quality of the content is realistic and without use of technology it is very difficult to know whether the video is real or fake. In this volatile world, wherein a small reel can create mass outrage and sometime bigger incidents like riots, use of deep-fake technology can create a lot of issues. Major concerns raised by the experts is the quality of the deep fake technology and Youtube has now taken steps to use technology to identify such content and remove it from the platfom.

Youtube is a major video sharing platform and Shorts that is short form of a video that are generally for a few seconds are viewed in huge number each day across the globe. Many Youtubers generate AI content each day and many of them are getting mass views as they have large subscriber base.

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