Firstly, the price of this phone is under Rs 25,000. There are many phones in this bracket in 5G. These phones will launch with the processor Dimensity 7200. and it has a 6.67-inch curved OLED display with a 144hz refresh rate and a 5000 mAh battery and a 120w fast charger let’s talk about detailed specifications
this phone has 6.67 inches curved OLED Display with a 144hz refresh rate Corning gorilla glass 5 bezels less design and punch hole display and a 1220×2712 resolution with HDR 10 supported
it has a 16 megapixel front camera with a wide angle lenc which can recorde vide full hd @ 30FPS now com to its rear camera it have a3 camera setup main camera is 200mega pixle And a 8 megapixle wide angle camera and a 2Megapixle Micro camera and dual led flash from rear camera it can recorde upto 4K 24fps
General Information:
Its a dual sim %g supported device with 256 gb storage an 12 gb of RAM Dust resistance water resistance and has 8.9mm thikness which make it slimest phone it has a glash back designthe side frame is made up of alimunium
Performance and storage:
this phone has mediatek dimensity 7200 octacore processorwhich has enough for desent gaming user it a a 256 gb UFS3.1 Storage and 12 gb of ddr4 ramthis phone also have a extra sd card slot you can expand up 1TB
it has a 5000 mAh battery with 120w Qyick charger whichcan charge this device from 0 to 100 in 19 mins
the height of this device is 161.1mmand widthis 74.1mmwith the thikness of 8.9 mm yes it is water resistnce upto 30 min in 1.5 meter depth with IP68 rating Dust proofit has 204.5 gm weight which feel heavy in hand