Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue Operation: The first video of workers trapped in the tunnel surfaced, and efforts intensified to rescue workers from the tunnel

Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue Operation

Workers have been trapped in the tunnel in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand for the last 10 days. Efforts are on to rescue the workers trapped in the tunnel collapse. Excavation can begin on both sides of the tunnel. Because of this, the vertical drilling machine reached the higher part of the mountain on Monday night. This machine will drill vertically from the top of the mountain. On the other hand, American auger drill machines are trying to insert 800-900 mm steel pipe into the debris from inside the tunnel. So that the workers can be taken out with the help of the pipe. 24 meters of excavation was also done with the auger machine. However, the machine malfunctioned and the work stopped. There is a possibility of starting drilling with an auger machine again today.


The first pictures inside the tunnel surfaced

Some families of workers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel say that they have full hope, but will be satisfied only when we talk to them. The first pictures of all the workers trapped in the tunnel surfaced today (Tuesday) morning. A camera has been sent into the tunnel through a pipe to know the condition of the workers and the people inside the tunnel. In this, the situation inside the tunnel has been captured. Officials talked to the workers through walkie-talkies. In the footage that has surfaced from inside the tunnel, it can be seen how they were forced to live in the tunnel for 10 days. Colonel Deepak Patil, who was involved in the rescue of workers from the tunnel, said that they were trying to send food, mobile phones, and chargers to the people trapped inside the tunnel. We will also try to establish a WiFi connection inside.

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