Afghanis leaving Pakistan – When will Rohingyas be shunted out from India

Scores of Afghans are leaving Pakistan after the government issued a threat to deport all illegals. The deadline of 1 Nov 2023 is over and thousands of people including kids and women as seen on roads leaving Pakistan. Some of these Afghans were living in Pakistan for 4 decades and many were born in Pakistan. The weather conditions are extreme as fresh rainfall has started, and many of them do not know where to go. They have left their land long time ago and they have no-where to return to.

On the other hand Taliban is infuriated with this step of Pak Govt and relations of the two countries are in worst stage at the moment. Pakistan was the biggest supporter of Taliban rule, when they took over Afghanistan once again, after USA left in hurry. They even advocated to the world to accept Taliban as recognized government and requested USA to un-freeze their funds. However with time the situation deteriorated and relations of the two governments have seen a down-scale. With this fresh situation, Taliban has yet to issue a statement as the refugee Afghans are people without any means and place to go.

Meanwhile the common Pakistanis are happy with this move, as they blamed these Afghanis for  the smuggling, illegal activities, thefts and anti-social activities in Pakistan. Also with the current situation of paucity of every-thing (literally everything, except the bloated pride) in Pakistan, moving out millions of Afghans will ease the pressure for Pak govt for resources, though the impact would not be much. Pakistan each day is facing fresh troubles, recently the Pakistan Airlines PIA, faced severe air fuel shortage and cancelled approx 50 international flights. Foreign exchange has depleted and Pakistan is not able to pay for imports which it heavily depends on for meeting its day to day needs.

With foreign aids and loans coming regularly in last few decades in the name of fighting terrorism, Pakistan has enjoyed without paying any attention to their own industry. Also most of the big industries are operated by Pakistan Army, that pays no tax to the government. So far the aids and funds helped them run the economy. However in last few years, after Covid and the World’s economy going down, CPEC failure, China’s Internal issues funds have dried up.

Another important point here is the emergence of India as a World power in last few years, who has started influencing the top countries. India has persuaded the World Bank, IMF, middle east countries, USA and European nations to check on Aids they have been providing to Pakistan. Indian has always maintained that the funds Pak has received in the name of fighting terrorism were in fact used to promote terrorism in India. Pakistan has helped people like Hafiz Sayeed, Makki to raise terrorist and run their organizations that works against India.

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