Over Rs 340 crore worth of cash, liquor, drugs, jewelry, and other items were confiscated by enforcement agencies in Madhya Pradesh during the state assembly elections’ model code of conduct period. Elections are going on in MP and Chhattisgarh assembly seats.Â
Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan informed liquor, drugs, cash, precious metals including gold, silver, jewellery and other materials have been seized by the joint team of Flying Surveillance Team (FST), Static Surveillance Team (SST) and police.
Madhya Pradesh 230 assembly seats are under model code of conduct for assembly elections. The counting of votes will be taken up on December 3, 2023. A voter turnout of nearly 76 per cent was recorded yesterday.
The seizure of 340 crore this time is approximately 5 times than the last held assembly polls in 2018. That time it was approx 73 crores.
Chhattisgarh Elections recorded 68% voter turnout, lesser as compared to Madhya Pradesh Elections